Way over 1.5 million kids in this country are homeless, some with/without parents. Almost a million more are in the often dysfunctional foster care system. For these kids, educational access and stability is vital.Fortunately, hard-working advocates and enlightened members of Congress have created and just (11/09) introduced 2 important pieces of legislation:
- Educational Success for Children without Homes Act of 2009 (S. 2800), and
- Fostering Success in Education Act of 2009 (S. 2801)
Sure, you're busy. Holidays and all that stuff. If you take a moment to contact your Senators, I can guarantee a few things:
- You won't die from it! In fact, you might feel like you've done something worthwhile.
- You'll be among a small group of crazy dedicated advocates fighting for these obscure, yet critically important issues.
- Homeless kids, and kids in foster care, will be much better off for a chance to succeed in school. Think of it as your gift for them!
Seems to me that the happiest people I know are the ones that take time to do something for others. Get yourself set up on Open Congress.org, and follow the prompts to contact your Senators. Or sign and circulate this HEAR US petition. You'll be giving an invaluable gift to kids for years to come, and you don't have to stand in line!